Birth Injury Cold Case
Babies are injured every single day in the United States as a result of substandard medical care.
Our mission is to solve Cold Cases
What is Birth Injury Cold Case?
A large percentage of birth-related injuries are caused by substandard medical care. Yet, only a fraction of those injured bring a lawsuit to hold the wrongdoers accountable.
But that is not for a lack of trying. Most families seek representation after their lives are shattered as a result of a birth-related injury. For a variety of reasons their case is turned down. Well, here’s a newsflash:
Lawyers don’t always get it right.
They decline representation and don’t file a lawsuit
even though there is a meritorious birth injury claim.
There are several reasons why lawyers may have declined representation in your case. Those reasons, include, but are not limited to:
Inability to get an expert to support the case.
Ignoring the
Focusing on the wrong theory of the case.
Not understanding the extent of your child’s injuries.
Failing to get all of the necessary medical records to make an accurate assessment of liability.
Concerns about the jurisdiction or venue where a lawsuit might be filed.